Bostonia Rantida

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Knee Socks and Me

So, I wear a lot of tall socks. I like them; they keep my legs warm but not too warm since I am nothing but a 5'5" heat machine. However, they apparently inspire a lot of random dudes on the street to speak to me, which is okay when it's somewhat innocuous, like the elderly man who stopped me while wearing argyles, laughing, to tell me I reminded him of his school days. Other times, not so much. The argyles. Yeah, they're a particular draw for some reason. Weird. Anyway, yeah, so the socks get attention whether I'm looking for it (bar) or not (walking between work and C Mart to get basil, garlic, Japanese eggplant, and snow peas). I get that. It's not something I'm stoked about, but it's a reality of being a woman in a city.

Well, anyway, I had three people say "Nice argyles" to me today. I only left work once, at lunch, and it happened in three different places by three different men. It was kind of random -- and me, today, without my headphones because I biked in and forgot them. Huh.


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